Age-defying food to wrinkle proof your skin

Age-defying food to wrinkle proof your skin

Do you think of food as an age-defying ingredient to wrinkle proof your skin? Today more than any time in the past, anti-aging products and procedures are readily available and commonly used by consumers, both women and men.  However, there was a time when these options didn’t exist. People looked solely to food, both to eat and to apply as a topical, for skin care regimens and to prevent wrinkles.

Today, anti-aging and age-defying are the terms more often used and “wrinkle proofing” more likely refers to clothes rather than skin as it may have been in years past. BUT I came across “wrinkle proofing” related to skin and food in one of Millie’s notes from a book that was published more than 10 years ago, What Every Senior Should Eat. I don’t have the book yet, partly because I’m not a senior as Millie was😊, though I’m sure it has interesting and helpful info for any age as this note shows. (The book is available to purchase on Amazon and from the previous link, which is from my Amazon Associates account if you want to get it there.)   

The note cited some foods that can help “wrinkle proof” skin. They are:

  • celery
  • spinach
  • onions
  • garlic

Also, while all of these foods have certain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial antioxidants and aid in helping the aging process, broccoli and carrots were called out for having Vitamin K.  

The note also suggests 6-8 oz of water daily.

Always DRINK YOUR WATER! So good for our skin and other parts of our body. Here’s more info: Why you should drink water – Taste it with T.

So, are you ready to eat more age-defying food?