Avoid Muscle Loss with Metabolism-Boosting Foods

Avoid Muscle Loss with Metabolism-Boosting Foods

It’s August! A new month. A new week. This month the first Monday of the month has fallen on the first day of the month so let’s get right to it with Millie’s Musings!

We are going to go with Metabolism-Boosting Foods and How to Eat to Avoid Muscle Loss.

All of this is from underlinings in a hard copy, original issue of “Prevention” from June 2013. The actual article in its entirety is online here https://www.prevention.com/weight-loss/a20501336/the-metabolism-miracle-for-women-over-40/.

The following is what was most important to Millie:

  • Eating protein at breakfast is especially important.
  • You’re missing out on switching that muscle building switch back on if you skip breakfast or have a protein-light breakfast.
  • How your body responds to protein changes as you get older and MORE is needed before muscle-protein synthesis starts (about 30 g).
  • Protein curbs hunger and as a result, snacking.
  • Fruits and vegetables are alkalizing and can help offset some of the muscle-robbing effects of meaty, starchy meals. Try beans for a lower calorie option.

The article has a couple recipes. The underlined one was for a yogurt parfait recommended to follow exercise to get the benefit of speeding up muscle repair and growth.  It has more than the 20 g of protein and 30 g of carbs needed to do this.

Here are links to purchase the ingredients for the yogurt parfait recipe through my Amazon Associates link:

Greek yogurt

organic granola



 I HIGHLY RECOMMEND reading the whole “Prevention” article (especially if you are 40+).

It outlines an entire plan to avoid muscle loss with metabolism-boosting foods. It contains calculations for how much protein a person needs, a chart of foods to eat to avoid muscle loss, and metabolism boosting exercises.    Good stuff!