CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! October is all about the Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch!

We’ve all heard of the Great Pumpkin (thanks to Charles Schulz and Charlie Brown!) but have you heard about the Great Lakes Great Apple? The Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch that is! I had never heard about this regional event to support farmers and nutritious food in schools, but just discovered it today and LOVE IT! It’s a celebration of National Farm to School Month and locally grown apples!
The goal is to have 2 MILLION people crunch into locally grown apples at noon on Thursday Oct. 8 and to share “Crunch “photos on social…(How fun!!! ) if that day/time doesn’t work for you, crunches any time in October are welcome!
Links to register by state (Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota , Ohio and Wisconsin) are compiled here.
Also, in researching this I discovered October has been declared Michigan Apple Month to recognize the importance of the Michigan Apple Industry, which is expected to produce 946 million pounds of apples this year! That’s a lot of apples to crunch!