Ever heard of Konjac? Glucomannan?

Have you ever heard of konjac? What about Glucomannan? I hadn’t until I came across Millie’s note about how it aids in weight loss and controlling cholesterol.

The note: “Controlling cholesterol with Glucomannan made from yam-like veggie konjac stops hunger within 30 minutes and doubles weight loss if taking 1,500 mg daily. Glucomannan can lower cholesterol levels 19 points in 2 months.

SO, What is Konjac?

It is:

  • an Asian yam-like vegetable
  • known to aid in weight loss
  • a way to potentially lower cholesterol

Where does Glucomannan come in?

Glucomannan is made from konjac. And so has all the good health benefits of it. Glucomannan is available as a supplement, a powder, and in food products (shiratake noodles are made from it).

So, if you’ve never heard of Konjac, now you have! And now you know about the healthy and helpful benefits of it! And that you can get it from glucomannan if you can’t find it in its actual form in the grocery store.

I don’t know about you, but I’m craving some shiratake noodles about now!

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