Football Pancakes for Superbowl Sunday!!

Whether you’re rooting for the Denver Broncos or the Seattle Seahawks today, football pancakes are a festive way to get into the spirit of Superbowl Sunday for breakfast or brunch.

If you don’t have a football mold to use, the shape is easy to create by pouring the pancake batter into an oval shape on the griddle and stretching the ends with a spoon or knife.
I made a few different versions this morning and kept thinking of more and more possibilities to try! For now, here’s what I did.
I used a boxed complete pancake mix. After pouring the mix onto the griddle into an oval shape I stretched the ends with a spoon to resemble a football … a piping bag filled with the batter (or a Ziploc bag with a corner cut out) could also be used to create the desired shape. Once the “footballs” are done, finishing up the stitches is the fun part!
I used almond slivers in a variety of ways to do this. Since they are naturally football shaped themsleves, lining them up on the football pancake created the stitches with double the football effect.
I also chopped the almond slivers and mixed them with syrup and using a spoon and toothpick created the football “stitches” on the pancakes.
I created a chocolate version too by spreading chocolate syrup on the pancake before adding the syrup/almond sliver mixture.
This was an easy and fun way to get in the game for Superbowl Sunday!