The Old World “PINE” Wine of the Greek Gods

Earlier today I remembered that it was time again for a Millie’s Musing. I made a mental note to look for something to share from my mother’s clippings. Later in the day, still having not done that, I came across my mom’s Rolodex (index cards in a recipe holder tin). As I looked through her contacts, filed under “W” was Greek Wine – Retsina, the Old World “pine” wine of the Greek gods. (I guess she didn’t know anyone with a last name starting with W.)

I never imagined finding a topic for a Millie’s Musings amongst her contacts. Who would? So, I decided that was a perfect reason to use it.
I really don’t know if my mom ever did taste Retsina. I think she did and was not a fan. She was more of a sweet Lambrusco gal. Retsina has quite a distinct taste as it is made with some pine resin. Restina also has quite a history as it has been being made (according to Millie’s note) for over 3,000 years!

So, I guess the information Millie thought was worth writing down was that it is a perfect match for rich Greek food, and that it should be chilled. And in that way it is perfect!
If you have never had retsina, I encourage you to give it a try, preferably with some tzadiki, skoradalia, feta cheese, Greek olives and lamb chops. Beware, it’s definitely a different and acquired taste. Most likely, it will be different than any other wine you may have tasted before or ever will taste again.
You can find it at specialty liquor/wine shops, but it is definitely not as easy to come by as it was even a few years ago with current supply chain shortages, increased trade taxes and the coronavirus, but my husband, with the namesake of the Greek God of Wine, Dionysus, came through as usual, and found this bottle of Retsina, the Old World “pine” wine of the Greek gods, for about $10 at Red Wagon Wine Shoppe in Rochester Hills. Stin Ygeia Sou! (If you don’t know how to say this, click the link…. it’s Cheers! and To Your Health! in Greek!) … Now go have some wine already!!!