Popcorn Without the POP!

Popcorn Without the POP!

Not to carry on about gluten–free, but here’s another gluten–free snack (they’re all over the place these days!) I discovered on my last trip to the grocery store along with a bunch of other “redesigned” food products which I’ll write about in upcoming posts.

Guess what they taste like? Yep, cheese flavored popcorn… how about that!?! No surprise. It’s popcorn, just in a different form. While the texture is nothing like a kernel of popped popcorn except that it IS dry unlike unbuttered popcorn, this is a good alternative.

Why popcorn has to be morphed into a chip, I don’t know, but if you’re looking for a flatter version of popcorn without that fresh popcorn smell that fills the air as popcorn seeds transform into the popped kernel either in the microwave or a more traditional popping method, this’ll do the trick.

popcorn chip out of box

Perhaps there was a need to keep this mid-afternoon snack choice a secret at the office to combat sharing with popcorn seeking co-workers who make timely visits. The IMPORTANT thing is if you want your popcorn fix with a crunch rather than a pop, it’s available!

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