Don’t forget to crunch your carrots!

Don’t forget to crunch your carrots! This is it!… the official start of Millie’s Musings, tidbits of info that my mother, Millie, must have thought was important to note because she either underlined it in a book, clipped it from a magazine or wrote it down on a separate piece of paper and kept it.
So, while she is no longer here to share this info, I will keep her spirit alive and do it for her and for your benefit on the first Monday of each month.
The very first post I created from her notes, before I thought to make this a monthly feature, can be found here. It was about tomatoes in relation to skin.
For today though we are going to talk carrots. This is from a few separate notes because while one note which stated carrots improve eyesight and memory, is good info, another explained the eyesight portion a little bit more and another gave some additional info.
According to Millie’s note (sorry, there is no other source indicated on it), carrots help eyes. I think this is info people generally know, however, we may not know the additional part that my mom wanted to point out that it’s because the retina needs vitamin A to function and the antioxidant properties may help prevent cataracts.
So, while we may eat carrots because we’ve always been told they’re good for our eyes and improve our eyesight there may also be the long-term benefit of cataract prevention.
Also, according to Millie’s note, not only do carrots improve eyesight, but memory, too. AND eating FIVE carrots a week makes one less likely to suffer a stroke. Now that’s good to know and something I don’t think is general knowledge.
So. don’t forget to crunch your carrots! Personally, I eat a lot of carrots so I’m pretty sure I’m covered here. What about you? … get crunching!