Slough off the summer skin

Slough off the summer skin

Happy Labor Day! Hope you are having fun in the sun and enjoying a day of relaxation! Most pools are closing after today as summer nears its end. Once the weather starts to cool and tans begin to fade, it will be time to slough off the summer skin!

To nourish and freshen it up and make it really smooth, here’s a recipe for a food-rich body scrub to do just that! I found it on a sticky note in Millie’s papers.


  • 1 C applesauce
  • 1/4 C brown sugar
  • 1/4 C crushed green tea leaves
  • 1/4 c olive oil

Rub it all over your body, sloughing off the summer skin, rinse and pat skin dry with a towel. This seems really slippery to me so BE CAREFUL! We don’t want any slip and fall bathroom accidents!

I love that there are green tea leaves in this scrub. Being high in antioxidants, it’s a great ingredient to include!

And just because I’m an ACV booster, I’m adding some to my scrub. It has some great benefits for skin.

Adding some cinnamon or essential oils will make it smell good!

IF you don’t want to make your own body scrub, there are plenty of ready-to-rub options out there! Here are some you can purchase through my Amazon Associates link, if you wish! Personally, I LOVE Farm House Fresh and I can’t wait to try pureSCRUBS … look at all the aroma options pureSCRUBS offers!

Up next … After you slough off the summer skin, break out the pumpkin spice scented lotions and creams. Now rub that all over your body. Time to get cozy and celebrate autumn!

More tips and bits of useful information can be found at Millie’s Musings.