Holy Mackeral!

Holy Mackeral!

Holy Mackeral! Look at that beautifully charbroiled fish! So nicely done over an open flame

Five Ways to Fight Stress

Five Ways to Fight Stress

This month’s Millie’s Musings picks up from last month‘s focus on chamomile tea and vitamin C with five additional ways to fight stress, which can weaken our immune systems. We do not want weak immune systems! I always like to learn new things and delving 

Find calm & save immunity … 2 Cs to chill

Find calm & save immunity … 2 Cs to chill

Relax…don’t stress. I have a “recipe” to find calm and save immunity. Remember C is for Calm… and the 2 Cs for relaxation are chamomile and Vitamin C . As we are now into September and the official start of fall and harvest season is 

Juicy and Fresh! That’s the lime you want!

Juicy and Fresh! That’s the lime you want!

JUICY and FRESH…that’s the lime you want! So what do you look for to get one that is just that? I have one tip that was directly pointed out to me…you want the lime with the thin skin … I was told this indicates it’s 

Health benefits of eating fish twice a week

Health benefits of eating fish twice a week

There are many health benefits of eating fish. How often do you eat fish? If it’s not twice a week, it may not be enough! Not usually do I eat fish twice a week and sometimes (more than not) not even once a week, but 

The Old World “PINE” Wine of the Greek Gods

The Old World “PINE” Wine of the Greek Gods

Earlier today I remembered that it was time again for a Millie’s Musing. I made a mental note to look for something to share from my mother’s clippings. Later in the day, still having not done that, I came across my mom’s Rolodex (index cards 

Don’t forget to crunch your carrots!

Don’t forget to crunch your carrots!

Don’t forget to crunch your carrots! This is it!… the official start of Millie’s Musings, tidbits of info that my mother, Millie, must have thought was important to note because she either underlined it in a book, clipped it from a magazine or wrote it 

CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! October is all about the Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch!

CRUNCH! CRUNCH! CRUNCH! October is all about the Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch!

We’ve all heard of the Great Pumpkin (thanks to Charles Schulz and Charlie Brown!) but have you heard about the Great Lakes Great Apple? The Great Lakes Great Apple Crunch that is! I had never heard about this regional event to support farmers and nutritious 

The local pie company is calling.

The local pie company is calling.

Would you like a slice? ABC Crumb, Mountain Berry Crumb, Key Lime? Have you ever gotten a solicitation call from your local pie company?  I never had before the one yesterday from Grand Traverse Pie Company. While I was initially really surprised by it and 

Tomato Tip… may help reduce sunburn, wrinkles and skin cancer

Tomato Tip… may help reduce sunburn, wrinkles and skin cancer

    My mother is a reader… and along with it an avid recipe collector, important information underliner, rewriter and clipper of magazine articles. Just yesterday I came across an envelope of hers with a few  little clips in it and a couple sheets of